my daft cat bought a mouse in last night, and dropped it, completely unharmed, in the kitchen. will this mouse try and go home, or take up a new home in my kitchen? do i need to worry about this?
I would be prepared for the fact that your new guest may find a way outside, that is also a way in for another mouse of the opposing gender - then you have got problems!
My cats do this regularly and generally the mouse will take up residence so I agree with the previous answer - get some humane traps and use chocolate as a bait in them. Mice love it!
Oh dear my sister and I have had many a late night screaming session when one of our cats has kindly brought us a present and sneaked it in the window without us seeing until it was too late, mice tend to go underneath or behind things and can run at 100 miles an hour...or so it seems! Luckily sis dare pick them up if push comes to shove...I just provide the background screams. I think you need a humane fact I think we do too.