When I shook out a towel into the bath that my cat had been sleeping on there were a lot of tiny specks of the same sort as when cats have fleas. Water turned them red-ish. But---she never goes outside and I have been in my flat for almost 2yrs and have not seen this before....also as far as I know the previous owner didn't have pets. Any ideas or advice?.....she is a long-haired moggy that hates being groomed.
Might be worth just checking inside her ears -they should be nice and clean. Any black /brown debris might indicate she's got ear mites. Cats then scratch their ears and the mite poo gets scattered about
Could be harvest mites, they usually turn red in water, I know lots of dogs get them at this time of year so maybe cats do as well. Best get her checked by the vet. Gelda
Hi there are definitly fleas on your Cat as the spots that have fallen in the bath are blood spots the residue of the bites
I suggest you get some cat spot on killer from your vet
regards Dave
But-as i said before...she does NOT go outside except onto my balcony...and i live on the 3rd floor. I HAVE experianced cat fleas in the past ( NOT) in this flat-so far no sign of their presence!! Suspect it may be ear mites as Rosiecat said.