my 14 yr old collie cross is straining to pee, peeing very little and doing it every few minutes. has had xray bladder which was nad. she also looks like she's in pain in one back leg. her tail has been between her legs for months now - she's very unhappy. had antibiotics but made no difference. any body help? already cost �400 and i'm no nearer to finding out what's wrong.
Much as I am sure you love her, I think you have to consider whether her quality of life is what you would want for her. If she is so unhappy, then maybe the time has come for you to let her go, rather than subject her to even more discomfort and unhappiness.
I'd rather find out if it's not possible to save her first. I'm trying to help find out what's wrong with her before we give up. she belongs to my son who loves her very much. i'm sure he wouldn't let her linger if there was no hope but the vet doesn't seem to know what's wrong and it's hard to give up yet.
This is just a long shot, but it may be worth trying her on Cranberry juice/tablets (you can get the tablets from Holland & Barrat and other health food shops).
Very basically Cranberry helps to stop bacteria sticking to the bladder (and other places) and causing infections etc.
I have just put my old boy on them as his wee was beginning to smell a bit strong and it seems to have sorted things out, it is also supposed to stop tartar sticking to teeth.