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Anybody else LOVE Autumn?

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evedawn | 12:56 Sat 13th Oct 2007 | Animals & Nature
13 Answers
I think Autumn s the very prettiest season in England. Love the varying colours of the leaves, the mornings and evenings are "crisp" but not cold, and the days pleasant...


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Evedawn, I so agree with you. It is my favourite time of the year. The colours, the smells, halloween, bonfire night, getting prepared for the Christmas season (so much more fun than Christmas itself for me), the crisp mornings...late evening walks with the dog....driving to work and seeing all those fabulous shades of green, yellow, gold, brown and red....the berries on the trees and playing conkers....aah....I love it! There's nothing that makes me feel more alive than a crisp and sunny Autumn morning in a blaze of colour.

Evedawn, I find Autumn to be the prettiest season, not only in England ... but in all countries that experiences it. I find everything about it is welcoming and beautiful. It's great sleeping weather too.
I love autumn, the smell in the air, the dark evenings where you feel cosy at home, the leaves blowing down the street (my daughter used to jump in them when she was young)

the only downside is having to get up early in the dark mornings when you want to snuggle down to sleep for longer!
I must admit I love the early mornings when its clear and bright, especially if there's a touch of frost. I'm often out and about quite early with Max ( he thinks that if the suns up everybody should be up ) and everthing often seems so clean and perfect, the cob webs lined in frost, the colour of the leaves and nobody about just you, your dog and maybe a few animals and birds. It makes getting up early worthwhile
Love it. It's the best.

The lead up to Samhain (Halloween), the crisp air that's just right (not too cold), the colours, everything.
Me, too!! I love the colours of the trees when they turn, the fruits in the hedgerows, the wild mushrooms, the cobwebs in the morning, all covered in dew, the mists (we get a lot up here!), the "golden" days, the return of the fieldfares (I miss my swallows, though) and yes, Samhain, for what it should be and not hi-jacked by an American idea (sorry to our American friends out there, but "Trick or Treat" really loses the plot!!) K xx (Blessed Be)
I've always loved autumn most. I love the warm days and cooler nights and the colours. I love driving out early when the mist is still on the fields and, later on , the frosts. I don't like it that the days are shorter but it's nice to draw the curtains and cuddle down in the chair when the weather turns colder.
Yes I agree. Autumn is my favourite time of year for all the reasons already stated We have a chimnea, one of the best things we have ever bought, We put some logs on and get wrapped up and have a couple of lagers in the garden. It's great! The smell of woodsmoke is brilliant!
Can't stand it! shorter days, all the colours are because everything is dying very depressing I find it, give me spring any time, buds appearing, lighter mornings and evenings everything coming to life, can't beat it !
Hello evedawan and everyone else. I love Autumn, yes! Especially early Autumn, as it is now...I wish we lived in the country, less idiots setting off fireworks 3 weeks prior to the "big night" which frankly, as I can't get to a display because of our dog, is just a pain for me anyway! I love fireworks too :(

Hm, anyway. We are right down the road from our local park, so I have been picking up stray conkers for my friends, and admiring the swirling leaves and the colours that glisten and glow. The Autumn colour palette is definitely the most beautiful! I really enjoyed getting my scarf and glubs out again-so much so that I begwearing them too early and almost overheated!!

I am up at 6am and it is pitch black, which means getting up is a miserable event, but by the time I'm on the train, the sun is rising, and it makes for the most incredible hour of my week :) x
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Oh, gelda - don't think of things as dying in Autumn, they're just going to sleep, till spring. Hope that cheers you up! K x
Thankyou Klieber, I'll try to think of it in that way.

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