My cat aptly named Violet Elizabeth Bott age 5 keeps being sick and bringing up her food, vet kept her for a weekend and we came home with tablets which I gave her, but one week on she is being sick again, but not as much, every other day. I think it is time to change her diet, now she is on Whiskas in jelly and Go Cat senior biscuits and I feed her little and often, any recommendations. I think I better tell you that she had 4 teeth removed approx 2 years ago hence the senior biscuits. any advice appreciated.
Our Baxter chucks up on occasions. Any evidenc eof grass or other material in the P**K. If cats have a stomch problem they eat grass to make them sick or it could be fur that she has swallowed.
Baxter is usually sick when he has gulped everything down and not chewed properly, which might be a clue.
many thanks, what I was hoping was that someone would reply -- I changed my cat to -------- whoevers food and it has worked wonders !
M/s Bott does eat grass and also brings up large fur balls at times but then she is very fluffy but I do groom her with one of those new Furminator brushes to try and remove all excess fluff.
thanks for your help and give my luv to Baxter.