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sick cat

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toby99 | 01:09 Wed 19th Dec 2007 | Animals & Nature
59 Answers
I have a beautiful Siamese cat age 13. She has had a cough for years (possibly due to a heart murmur) She is very vocal and meows all night 'chatting' to us, but tonight I have come home and she cannot meow only makes the slightest dull chirp. Her weight has dropped off her over night and she is weak and a bit wobbly on her feet. She looks ill. We have had to introduce a litter tray recently as she wouldn't go outside, but Siamese can be like that. Although, tonight, she has just 'wet' herself in her sleep when I was cuddling her. Can anyone offer any advice; I am really worried about her - thanks


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I am overwhelmed by all your support; I never thought this site would be like this when I joined � thanks you have all been a great help and it is wonderful to find likeminded people who understand how you are feeling.

The vet seemed fairly happy and agreed that keeping her there, totally on her own, overnight might be more upsetting for her and we have agreed for her to go on the drip at 10am if she has not dramatically improved as they will be there with her for the day. Also, they said I can take her anytime over night if I feel she needs it.

She is a lovely cat, but does need 100% attention at all times. She follows me around the house wherever I go; sits on the edge of the bath, sleeps in bed with me, follows me if I go to the shop. Sometimes, I have to cradle her like a baby in my arms just to get some chores done. If I give any of the other cats attention in front of her she gets upset and will go an chew a cuddly toy or sit in a corner looking very sad. It would be quite funny if you didn�t feel for her as she really is not being manipulative she just genuinely feels sad! I think Siamese, by nature, are very loyal and need that loyalty in return.

However, the good news is that she has eaten �best� ham (soaked in the re-hydration liquid) earlier and has gone on to eating some catfood and drinking twice from her water bowl. She is still very wobbly on her back legs but these signs must be good. We are spending another night on the sofa with the fire on. She is more relaxed and is sleeping more peacefully than last night. i will keep you updated x
Im so glad you liked the poem, I've always found it so moving and a comfort when a pet moves on. I hope your vet can do something to allow your cat to enjoy some more time with you. I keeping you in my thoughts, please keep us all informed.

If it gives you any hope at all, my old horse who is 34 years old, suddenly went thin and wobbly in the spring of this year. We had been so busy with my Mum who had a stroke last christmas and suppose we were guilty of just feeding poor old Pascoe without really looking at him. I got to the stage of talking to the vet about methods of euthanasia as I could not bear to see him staggering about,

Then my husband said, give him one more week. hes not in any pain, his appetite is good and jhe ust seems a bit confused. so I did, I fed him loads of good grub, got a really good mineral supplement and slowly week by week he got better and better.
We now mollycoddle him to death, keep him in the stable on cold wet days and he is enjoying life again.
I don't know if horses suffer from strokes like humans do, but his symptoms were just like my Mums, and as she has got better so has the horse. Hes never going to run around the paddock again, but at 34 it can't be expected. He is however very bright and if his dinner is a minute late, hes shouting over the garden fence like a grumpy old man.!!

I know its only a short reprieve, but I've had him a while longer and if he starts to go downhill again, I will ask the vet to come this time. Im just grateful we have had another year of his company, even if he did get in the veggie garden in summer and stomp all over the carrots !!
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Silvercat - Don't all animals have such wonderful, endearing personalities. They are all different; I can just visualise your horse acting like a grumpy old man. I have always loved animals. When I was a child we always had a house full of injured/resuced animals from mice to goats, and horses etc. We saved one horse from the butcher also and a billy goat who was blind in one eye and was going to be destroyed because they couldn't breed from him. My dad used to rescue cockerals from the chicken farms as they only want laying hens and killed the *****. What i remember the most is that they all had theri own personalities, even within the same breeds. It was a wonderful childhood, although very painful at times! I remember, when I was about 13, sitting up all night in a stable nursing a very poorly goat with masitis. She just lay there with her head on my knee all night - The vet was amazed that she survived an said she only pulled through because of the human contact and care.
Toby99.... It is good news that she has eaten and had a drink on her own. It is surely an improvement in her condition from last night, is it not? Do you have to leave her with the vets tomorrow whilst they do the blood tests, or will you stay with her? I have a friend who has a siamese and she says siamese tend to bond with one person, and are very vocal and and more sociable with that one person than with others in the household. My persians are a pushover for anyone who will give them some attention, no loyalty at all. heres hoping that tomorrow brings more improvement and more good news.
You will always find nice people on forums concerned with animals and nature. Probably because nice people care about animals. Call me biased, but in my experience, people who have no time or compassion for animals, are usually selfish, shallow people.
Bonfire nights will make me sad when the old horse is gone, because I have spent a lot of them, standing in the stable with him if the neighbours have had a fireworks party.

He is a lot calmer when I stay with him which is so nice, even if I have been frozen to the marrow and missed Coronation street !!
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Hi Persionlady. Yes I can stay with her for her blood test - my hubbie is coming too as I get upset over things like this. I have arranged time off work and I won't leave her unless it is really necessary like if she needs to go on a drip - I presume they will sedate her anyway for that.

I had a Siamese for a present when I was 10, but she absolutely adored my mum and didn't had eyes for anyone else but her. When I lost my mum, the cat would come for attention and cuddles, but she never had the same attatchment to anyone else again. They appear to be loyal for life and a sometimes too sensitive. Your friend is right, my Tilly is only vocal to me. She can meow Incessantly for one hour when i come home telling me all about her day!

It was a very difficult time to manage Tilly's 'feelings' when i had my daughter she was so jealous, but at the same time very protective over the new baby. Still to this day, if I tickle my daughter,and she screams out, Tilly will come attack me, biting my arms and hands!
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Silvercat - We are so alike spending nights in stables - we should open a pet sanctuary!!

Seriously, it has always been a dream of mine to have a cattery or animal rescue. Hopefully one day.
So glad to hear that Tilly is "hanging in" there...she sounds like such a wonderful little beastie-best wishes to you again.
It's great news that she hasn't got kidney failure, and I'm hoping that they'll soon find out exactly what is wrong with her.

I would agree though that you should let them put her on a drip if they advise it. It really would hasten her recovery, I'm sure.

Please keep us posted, wont you? Good luck and a big hug for Tilly. xx
Hi toby99, Im so pleased that Tilly is still holding out and the fact that she's managing to eat and drink something is excellent news. I think you definitely did the right thing in not leaving her at the vets overnight, even though it would have obviously been beneficial for her to have spent the night on a drip I don't think it would out weigh the benefits of her having your love and attention overnight. My husband and I have managed to bring back many a sick cat from deaths door with huge amounts of TLC (and of course with the help of our vet also). Tilly will be re-hydrating herself well now that she's eating and drinking again, thank goodness for that and here's hoping that the blood tests go well. I'll be thinking about you both and what a lovely person you sound, your cats are very lucky to have you.
Hi toby99.

Hope all is well with Tilly, great news from the vet! hoping she will hang on in there and you will have the pleasure of each others company for many years to come xx
Good girl Tilly!!
(now go and have another little drink of water!)
Just adding my best wishes to all the others for your Tilly. xxx
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I don't know how to write this. I am heartbroken and in shock. My little girl has gone. I took her this morning and they said they would carryout some blood tests. It turned out she had final stage kidney failure.

I don't understand, she was fine until a few days ago. There was nothing to be done. I am so glad we had last night together. They gave me a choice of bringing her home tonight and taking her back tomorrow for them to make her go to sleep, but I let her go today. I felt I couldn't let her suffer and she may have got worse tonight as it is, she didn't suffer she just felt a bit unwell. I cuddled her for an hour in the vets before I let her go - she was so relaxed and happy and she went so peacefully.

Thank you my friends for all your kindness.
Oh toby...

The exact same thing happened with my Sonny. Only unwell for a day or so, and then gone :o(

My heart goes out to you, and I shall say to you what many said to me when Sonny went to Rainbow have done the best thing for Tilly ~ she will be thanking you for easing her pain, and will wait for you to join her.

I am spilling tears on my keyboard as I type..I know the pain you feel, and even after almost a year I cannot think of Sonny without weeping. These creatures touch your lives far more than they will ever know ~ but rest assured you touch theirs too.

My heart goes out to you and I am crying as I read your words. She has crossed the rainbow bridge and is at peace but she will always live in your memories xx
Oh sweetheart, my thoughts are with you.....I am so sorry. Just caught up on the past couple of days, and was filled with joy that Tilly had perked up.

Breaks my heart to see she didn't make it, and you did so much for her. She was so loved, and that's what matters. And you definitely did the right thing.

Remember Silvercat's poem, and Rainbow Bridge too.

I am crying as I type this, but not as much as you must be. xx
Oh toby I am so sorry. I was hoping that it was something which could be controlled. I have just read pastafreak's post about her own poorly cat and it is just all so sad and seems worse at this time of year somehow.
You obviously have wonderful memories of your cat and eventually you will be able to look back and remember her as she was when she was well and had such great character.
This makes me cry too as I like most other animal lovers have lost pets like this.
Take care
Oh Toby99!....... I broke down when I read your post. I know exactly how you are feeling. I hav ebeen through renal failure with 4 of my cats. It always happens suddenly. Usually by the time they start to become poorly, it is right near the end. you have already suffered losses of pets in your lifetime , so I dont need to convince you that you will learn to live with what has happened. It is very real bereavement, one which people who have no love for animals do not understand. Tilly was an important member of the family, and her loss will hurt.
take comfort from the fact that in the end you were there for her. You were able to save her from so much pain. Sometimes I think that animals get a better deal than humans when suffering from a terminal illness. You get the option of sparing your pet the pain we humans have to suffer. Given the choice, I would much rather opt for the way Tilly went, than any other way. You did the right thing in not waiting. You put her before yourself. She will be there to meet you when your time comes.
Feel free to post if you need to talk to people who understand how heartbroken you are.

Take Care
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I can't stop blaming myself. If only I had taken her to the vets earlier. She started weeing in the house a while ago, so I bought her a litter tray. I thought it was because she didn't want to go out anymore, but now I wonder if it was a sign, but she use to go in the plant pots when she was little rather than venture out in the cold. I just put some of the things down to her age. They could have put her on medication and she would still be here. I feel like I have let my little girl down.

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