Hello , have any of you seen the website called doggysnaps ? I found it from a link off the msn home page yesterday . It is worth a look if you like dogs :-) xxx http://www.doggysnaps.com
Found all of your kennels , this is fun , and what absolutely gorgeous dogs you have . :-) xxxxxxxx
Hi MONTY , she is fine thankyou , hope you are feeling better hun :-) xxx
Lol ruthann honey , Porsche a cat ! Hee hee . Never mind , now you know she's a large black labrador . Kisses and tummy tickles for Cassie and Muppet xxxxx
No idea leelapops.
Could have been the one last week when someone was impersonating gravitate with another ID. All I can think if at the mo.
It upset bigmamma big time and I cannot blame her.
Anyway, it was someone trying to wind everyone up. Not gravitate.
no i am gravitate. so is mr bean that other offensive one called gwavitate and groovytate wasnt me.... the original gravitate is in the dungeon so its now tu de bang or mr bean. im sure you can tell by all the original awe inspiring questions in A & N.