you should try different brands and flavors of dog food and not orry if she doesnn't eat one or to meals because she wants to be picky, this will not hurt her. The human food on the other hand can, a dogs stomach and digestion can not handle most human food. Cooked plain chicken or chopp meat is okay but does not have the essetials a dog formulated food does. You can mix in chicken or chopp meat or canned wet food in small amounts to her regular food to inccurage her eating. If ahe does eat then, you can slowly decrease the additive food by amounts avery 2 weeks or so. If she doesn't start wating her on food i would consult a vet. As i said human food is not balanced for a dog stomach or nutritional needs. Other fooods you can add in small amounts are plain noodles, peas, carrots, apples; my puppy loves peaches and cantolope! best of luck