Canine Conjunctivitis in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Canine Conjunctivitis

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leelapops | 10:55 Thu 21st Feb 2008 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
I forgot to ask the vet (I kbow, I know!): is it contagious? I am keeping Jack "out of the way" just in case, but I would like to know.

Thanks, Lisa x
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Yes it is very contagious, so wash your hands well after applying the treatment and before touching Jack, I think you would be ok keeping them together unless they are likely to go eye to eye, literally, touching, try to discourage jack from licking especially after treating, I'm surprised your vet didn't mention this, though if he/she thought they should be separated then I'm sure it would have been mentioned. hope all is well soon.
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Hi Illyria, thank you very much for your prompt and informative response. We only have Jack, but he socialises in the park with his "doggy friends", and I wanted to keep him out of the way of them until I knew otherwise. Now he will have to wait until he is all better! I have just re-read my post and can clearly see where the misunderstanding came from-sorry!

I have been following your hygiene advice anyway, and I am dissuading him from licking (difficult, as his tongue is never in!) and rubbing-hard for him, as it must be driving him mad! Resorted to a bedtime rawhide too, to distract him a little and save him spending all night mithering his eye.

Thank you, Lisa. x

It depends on what type of conjunctivitis it is. What treatment did the vet give Jack?
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Hi Noweia, Jack has a smll (3ml) tube of Fucithalmic (Vet) Viscous Eye Drops, which, naturally, he hates. He didn't seem overly concerned-Jack had been to the beach at the weekend, so the vet felt it was probably just an irritant like sand that had caused it.

If it hasn't been "caught" from elsewhere, can it still be passed on?
Couple of mine have had conjunctivitis and eye infections in the past, and apart from washing my hands before and after using any ointment/drops, I havnt been extra careful and not caught anything.
If it's just irritation from sand or salt, it's not infectious, and can't be passed on to another dog.
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Thanks jules and Noweia :) My mind is at rest!! For now, anyway...!


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