Out of my 7 I have 4 girls and 3 boys!
Sammy - Queen of the house, adores me and my partner and only ever wants cuddles but very grumpy to the others!
Smokie - He adores cuddles and sleeps on my pillow, big big softy, very gentle apart from when he stands up to sammy and all hell breaks loose! (although that is rare!)
Spinks - She is a gorgeous very little girl and not quite there in the brain department, she adores my partner and loves cuddles
Kacey - the quiet one of the lot, loves her cuddles again, would never have a go at another cat and is more laid back!
Splodge - He is a gimp lol! He is a very very camp cat and if you stop stroking him he will either gently bite your hand or lie on the floor stroking his own head (that sounds rude!)
Leo - He is the 2nd youngest but by far the biggest, cries like a girl, doesnt come for cuddles but is a very gentle boy
And of course my Cefa! - Who is the most adorable, loving, affectionate cat I have ever ever met, she is like my shadow and is the most beautiful girl!
So I suppose going by that, Sammy would make it seem like boys are possibly better natured, yet Cefa makes up 10 times for Sammys grumpiness!