I have to say I am curious also, if she is an affectionate loving dog she should be alright with your baby, How can you think that she won't feel as if she is being punished, when I had my first son I included my dogs (2 male German Shepherds) in every thing I did, they sat either side of me when I was feeding my baby, they were with me when I bathed him and changed him I never ever cut them out that it a surefire way of creating resentment towards your baby, obviously you have to be vigilant at all times and never leave a dog alone with a baby at any time but please don't push the poor dog away it's a recipe for disaster. Introduce the dog to your baby as soon as you get home with it, but not before you have said your hello's first, I had my dogs sitting quietly then put the baby down on the carpet for them to sniff, my husband watched one dog and I the other, my mother almost had kittens but didn't dare say a word, I never had any problems, the dogs new the baby smelled like me so therefore accepted him immediately.