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My human has been cruel to!

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frankiecat | 20:17 Sat 07th Jun 2008 | Animals & Nature
30 Answers
Earlier today I was reclining in my favourite cardboard box when my human came along, picked me up, removed my blanket and dumped me down on hard cardboard.

I followed her to see where she was going with my blanket. She put it in a big machine - one that sounds loud and makes things smell flowery. I cried for my blanket - and watched it go around and around in the machine.

I have spent ages making my blanket smell of me and now I will have to start again.

My sister, Merlin, will probably like her blanket smelling all nice and girly. But I am a tom cat.

Help me please.



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As we all know you can bribe your human with cuddles and pityful eyes, can you maybe direct her to her "not-so-secret" stash of catnip, so she could spray some on the newly foul-smelling blanket to give you some light relief?

Commiserations from your pal Jessie. :O(
My human washed my bed once, and from then on, I refused point blank to sleep on it, and have now established her bed as my territory. Ha! who's always got the last meow, eh!
I've been spewing up my food all last night and today. I think I've got a dicky tummy so my human hasn't fed me anything since this morning when I threw my breakfast back up in the plate.
Aw Tigger! I have never thrown up yet, thankfully, but I have experienced a weird tickling in my throat when my human got me some cat grass and I ate some...It was a weird experience!!! I still like it though, although not as much as my human's regular plants.....Mwahahaha!

I hope you get well soon, and maybe we can think about that "carty" again? xxxx Jessie
Yey! A Carty. Sounds brill xxx
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Poor you Tigger. I hope that you feel better soon. I have been ill twice - both times I had to go to the vet. Human laughed because both times it was because my sister beat me up and my war wounds got infected. I was sick everywhere.

Our human has bought cat grass but it doesn't seem to be growing, not sure if it is because Merlin has been drinking the water out of the container.

What's a carty?

I am off up to human's bed to watch TV. Night for now.

Frankie and his sister Merlin

A carty is a party for us cats!!! I bet your human never let you go to one!

Well, mine have an excellent reputations amongst humans, so I'm sure yours would let you come!

PS: good reputation.ha ha! Only because We're all on our best behaviour as soon as they turn up, but I can tell ya! Nothing boring about them! I have a secret catnip stash too....He he...
Im a human, not a cat, but Im a good caring human who loves cats.

If you let me come to your carty, I will keep topping up your milk, even let you have some cream too, and will walk around handing out the kitty nibbles. Im also good for gentle scratches and tummy rubs :)

love it

im writing on behalf of cupar and margo, some of you may remember cupar had a go a typing but couldnt master the keys and margos just too lazy to try. can they come to the carty too, they could bring their boogie mat that has a secret stash of cat-nip in it for emergencies..xx
I'm feeling a bit better now. Just ate something and didn't bring it up.

Lets Carty................ ;-)
me and my friends are feeling left out... can we come as well please... we are dogs not cats but we are nice ones
Awwww you guys are so cute. I'm sure Max will let you gatecrash just as long as you don't chase us round the house.
I have been instructed by my mistresses to write this response....

"We also love our (nice to us) smelling bedding and are oh so not impressed with your human for washing your favourite blanket.... in fact we would make sure that your human's own bedding is soon ours......

"We have had to endure *going outdoors* to the loo yet again today because our human put our litter tray outside the back door ... do you think this is her way of telling us to go outside instead ? Oh, and why on earth has she put some potting compost in with the litter, when every self respecting cat knows perfectly well that garden soil is far supreme to that sterile nasty potting compost - no decent smell to it whatsoever.....

"Oh, and one final moan, just when is our human going to realise that we really DO NOT LIKE Whiskas beef in pouches..... isn't the fact that we turn our noses up at that ghastly stuff in our bowls enough ??"
Hey Chuck, are those lovely wee dogs your masters/mistresses ?
Just in case, not too many nibbles for you tiggerblue and only one go on the boogie mat ;)
Oh maaan! I like nibbles as well :-(

Oh gawd! My human is getting ready to watch Big Brother now. Yawn yawn!!!
tiggerblue10 our names are Holly, Lilly and Dudley, and we don't chase cats, some of our best friends are cats.

And jugglering, Chuck is our uncle, he looked after us whenever our mistress had to go away so we wouldn't get lonely or hungry, he said he's not allowed pets where he lives so none of us could move in with him :-(
Flossie here.
Don't stand for it. I sleep wherever I want and make all the bedcovers and pillows smell nice. Because I am very old my human feels sorry for me but I'm not as daft as she thinks! Daisie has taken over Ben's bed so between us we have it covered.
I am always being sick - I have something called hyperthyroidism which means that I am very thin so my human gives me lots of nice things to eat. If she does something to annoy me I stop eating just to worry her and then I throw up. It soon gets her behaving herself again. You have to take a stand or they start to think they're the boss
Ok, those wee doggies are allowed, they don't look like they could do much harm! I've never met doggies, but my human said one day, one of them might come along! So I have to be doggies are ok! lol

Oh dear....human has called dinner time! BRB!
psychick margo wants to know if you want a full time job rubbing her big fat white belly every 10mins.
not too many nibbles for margo shes on a diet.
oh tigger glad to hear your feeling better dont eat too much at the carty that tummy of yours will still be a little delicate.

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