Hello aimee, I hope you are OK. I too am a young dog owner, and my current dog is my first! So I had a LOT to learn.
julia's right, training classes would be great for your pup. He is young, but he does need to start getting the basic doggy manners now while he is. Ask your vet or other dog owners for recommended classes-some are just puppy parties, which don't focus on the training so much.
A squirty water bottle works to shush our Collie when he just won't stop barking! Tell your pup "No", and is he carries on, just give him a wee squirt (a water pistol works too, but a wee one, not a Super Soaker lol!). Look online for training tips, or get some books out of the library. All it really is is patience, repetition, and lots and lots of praise! It is hard work, but when his behaviour improves, it's so rewarding!
Are you firm with him? I adore Jack, our dog, and at first I found it so hard to be firm. Big mistake! They really take advantage of this! You don't need to be loud or harsh, just definite.
Regarding the biting, a girl posted in Pets about her biting puppy, and got some good answers-could you take a look at that maybe?
DO you make him sit before meals and before you put his lead on? It just keeps things nice and calm, I have found.
PM me if you like, I love doggy stories :) Also, out of curiosity, what is a morky?