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Zoo Fodder.

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Abdulmajid | 19:57 Wed 09th Jul 2008 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
When a zebra or antelope (or any animal) dies at a zoo, assuming it has not died of a disease and not subject to an animal autopsy, would they feed the corpse it to the lions and tigers??

It would make fiscal sense and possibly the first time the animals have eaten their natural environmental food.


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No,but I hear that the Lions are very fond of dead Abdulmajid! LOL
I expect 'fallen livestock' would be collected by knackermen and disposed of as pet food, or as directed by the owner. There would be a special rate for zoos to buy back meat as needed.

Am sure they know the value of skins.....which would be another side-line of the knacker yards.

There is a knackeryard in Watford but am sure they're all over the country.

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