ammo, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My little Monty died last July, from hepatitis (after being attacked by a nasty feral tom) and his sister, Cleo, missed him terribly. My vet talked me into adopting a little kitten, Mischa, who had been terribly ill-treated and had had to have one of her front legs amputated, as well as her tail. Must admit, it didn't take a lot of talking into!! Mischa has settled in with my other cats and Cleo absolutely adores her!! They're great friends and play together all the time. Mischa will never replace my dear little Monty, but she's a delight and we all adore her. Perhaps you could get another little friend for your lonesome puss - sometimes it takes time for them to get used to each other, but as your cat is young, he may take to a kitten quite easily, as Cleo did. Good luck and God bless. K xxx