Heathcliffe you monkey, what a look of pure contentment and bliss on his face. Cupar will join us under the duvet, especially on cold nights, and my old patch would spend most nights curled up in the crook of my arm and i would often wake up to find him stretched across the bed and id be hanging off the edge. Margo will sleep on her dads side of the bed and sometimes comes under the duvet but never when cupars already there.
terambulan, a counsel of perfection ! Quite right too, and it works with most of mine (you have to dissuade a wolfhound from climbing on the bed, while it's still a puppy, or you have a big problem, in every sense, later!) The exception is one of the tinies.She makes her point by jumping on the bed first, but then disappearing to sleep under it !
I recently treated myself to a new duvet and was in the middle of uncovering the old one when the phone rang. I got sidetracked after that and only discovered WeeThug had curled up inside the folded up old duvet a few hours later... she was all snug and warm, I didn't have the heart to evict her..
I still have my summer weight duvet (4.5 tog) on the bed but I have a heavier one to hand in case it gets really cold. Daisie has made a nest in that. She loves snuggling up in it and the only way I know she's in there sometimes is when I can hear her snoring. Florence has her own pillow on my bed and curls up on it next to my head.