80% protein dog food in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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80% protein dog food

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yobanfa | 20:00 Mon 02nd Mar 2009 | Animals & Nature
10 Answers
I been told to try and put my dog on a 80% protein dog food, does anyone know of any?
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80% seems extremely high!
Are you sure they didn't mean 18?
who told you and why>
Pet dogs only need approximately 20% and working dogs only get a maximum of about 30% even sled dogs doing really hard work, so I think you must either mean 18% or you have got a dog doing the round the world yacht race single handed and running 20 marathons at the same time.
Feeding your dog that could seriously damage it's health as previously said 80% is ridiculously high, so unless it's your vet that's told you, just stick to something else.
80% protein dog food? In this recession?Whats next,him telling you to feed your dog caviar and white truffles and swap his water for a vintage dom perignon? Im telling you,some of these pooches get pampered better then humans! Maybe you walked in looking like paris hilton? Anyway id better be going as ive got to give my dogs a massage and then take them to the dog manicurist to get their claws painted! lol! (just kidding,im a dog lover! normal dogfood is meat so is'nt that 80-100% protein anyway?)
This argues that a high protein diet is not necessarily bad and does not cause kidney problems (as some people suggest), they also argue that it does not make dogs hyper.

Even in the food you mention although it has 80% meat protein this is not the actual protein content of the whole food. It is still very high, at approximately 40% but you have to look at the nutritional analysis for the breakdown.

http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=2+16 59+1661&aid=702
protein = meat......more meat for the dog better for it's bowels
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thank you all for your answers, i must have heard them wrong and they said 18% protein dog food,

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80% protein dog food

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