This morning both our large goldfish were lying dead on the lawn, and we wondered if it was a heron that had taken them. They seemed uninjured and had apparently leapt over a bush! The pond is clean and maintained. Do herons just whip their prey out and leave them like that? There has been one sighted in the neighbourhood for some time. There were neither stab marks as we would have suspected from the beak of a heron, nor any apparent cat attack marks. We are mystified. Any ideas?
Whats the weather been like were you are? some times if its been nice and sunny fish will some times just jump out of the water and if they are close the side they can end up on the bank. When I had Heron problems the fish just disappeared (dinner for the heron) since then I net my pond and also use a fake heron don't know which is the most effective but I've not lost any fish in ages
Herons have to wade into the water to catch fish. The most effective way to keep them out is to have a dwarf wall around the pond. You must ensure though that there is a hole in it for any small animal to get out if it should fall in.