Hi Stompe, I enjoyed that thanks, I haven't been too good these last couple of days, hence I haven't been on here much. :-{
I haven't seen Foxy for nearly a week now so I expect she has had her cubs. ..
Go on gelda, give it a try, we will look after you, ive got lots of cat piccies to share with you, (im not madboutcats for nothing) stompe and i will look after you, we've got good friends to share with you, like rosetta and ruthann, jugglering and the lovely big mamma, so dont be scared of it, give it a try, it is a good way to stay in touch away from here. xxxxxxx
Hi gelda honey , my step-father last year had a family of foxes under his shed , and the little cubs would come out and play on the lawn . He was hoping the mum would be back again this year to rear her young under his shed but non have appeared yet . xxxx
I love all animals gelda, i quite like foxes too, beautiful creatures that are much misunderstood, so please give us a try, stompe will point you in the right direction and im there too if you need help learning the ropes.
Hi Gelda - sorry to hear you've not been well. I adore animals, and I find it very hard to read the Round Town News (ex pat paper) here, as there are always so many moggies and doggies abandoned and looking for new homes. xx
There was a case recently, Cab, where some 19 year old tied a labrador puppy to his motorbike and sped off at 90 kph. Luckily a spanish guy in his car overtook him and saved the poor little mite. The youth was prosecuted. Thankfully, the Guardia are more tough on animal abuse than they used to be.