Foxes kill and eat rabbits . A rabbit is a good meal for a fox.If you kill the foxes you get more rabbits, that breed like, rabbits !.Rabbits are vermin and can clear quite an area of crops very quckly.That's why myxamatosis was introduced and why farmers were compelled, by law, to kill rabbits.What then is the point of killing foxes ? To save chickens? The big egg producers have thousands of chickens but don't have a fox problem and nor does anyone else who takes sensible precautions (as, for example , set out above). We won't have any fox killed on this farm; we know our friends from our enemies.
Employing hunt staff,keeping, breeding and feeding dozens of hounds etc, all year, to hunt twice a week, at most, in winter only, with dozens of horses, to kill the odd fox is manifestly absurd..The killing isn't exactly 100 per cent humane either, even if it made sense.