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pastafreak | 19:12 Wed 31st Mar 2010 | Animals & Nature
22 Answers
The area re-homing officer called me yesterday, and they have started a search for an appropriate dog. Unfortunately, they have no cat-friendlies in Devon.....
I told her I already have my eye on one or two on their website that may pass fingers crossed.


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Pasta, not following - are you looking for a greyhound that likes cats? I thought all greyhounds were automatic cat-chasers, is this not so?
Got fingers crossed for you pastafreak - such lovely dogs. To answer the other post - being sight chase dogs most greyhounds are not good with small furries but some are so laid back they aren't worried and live quite happily with cats.
Seem very gentle dogs
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Not always boxtops. Those that fail as racers sometimes do not have that 'urge'. Also...there are those that are trainable to accept not just cats, but other small furries in the home. It will take a while, but they are confident they will find one. The problem being not that there aren't any such pooches available, but that there are others like me who want a cat-friendly dog.
Thank you, carmalee - good luck in your search, pastafreak!
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They are extremely gentle dogs....very laid-back. There are lots of mis-conceptions about them.
I think you are doing a great thing adopting, everyone should have one, I have had mine for six years.Yersterday I went to my Daughters and there pet rabbit was in the garden, safely out of reach,. needless to say.But the minute she saw the rabbit through the window, she went frantic and thats after six years!
The ex racers are trained, in some cases mercilessly to chase, they are not allowed toys to play with they are just trained to hunt and kill, or they would not have the chasing instinct. As you say the one you want would be the one without this instinct instilled.
I do hope I havent put you off I adore my baby and wouldn't be without her.
Good luck with your search, I have been wondering how you were getting on, please keep us in the picture.
Would just like to correct something there. Our litters of greyhounds were given loads of toys to play with and I spent hours sewing furry covers onto squeaky toys. As for training them to hunt and kill, this instict is usually born in them, but those that don't have it are usually rehomed as youngsters. Often only one or two out of a litter make it to the racing stage, the training part of it is finding out which ones are best suited to the job, getting them fit and keeping them fit.
Having said that, I have rehomed several to homes with cats and other small animals, and kept three myself while living in a caravan with five cats and other small breeds. Its a case of being sensible and introducing the dog to the cat in a controlled way. They are sight hounds that chase things they see move quickly, so anything that runs catches their attention. This is why they chase the lure which is often only a plastic bag on a pulley.
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Thanks so much for the encouragement,butterfingers....and no, you have not put me off... ;-)
And thankyou also,lankeela. I have been trawling the net...seeking out as much info as I can...also looking for first-hand accounts from other owners, as I believe they give the best advice quite often.
It has all convinced me that I am doing the right thing.
One piece of advice you will need - don't leave any food about as they will help themselves. They will only have had access to food which is for them, so have no morals when it comes to eating anything and they can reach most work surfaces. The first one I ever took home just reached over and ate half a pound of butter complete with the wrapper.
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I am trying very hard not to burst out laughing at that image. A woman I work with has a grey, who she says is always thieving. I will look forward to the creative hiding of food.
Hi Pasta... the "thieving gene" isn't merely confined to the Greyhound species. Alfie is a kleptomaniac when it comes to food. The other week he made of with half a family-sized tortilla. He's banned from the kitchen now. lol
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Hi hun....I am laughing again......;-))

trouble is...greys are tall enough to open the cupboards.....!
He had his crop gathered today down in the pueblo. He smells like a tart's handbag now, but looks oh-so-cute... :-)))
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Better than smelling like doggie farts........;-0
I read a heart-breaking story today in the Euro Weekly news Letters page. I'll try and find you a link.
This is a bit of a rubbish link, but he goes..


The letter entitled, "Devastated". It continues into the next column. It really brought a tear to my eye.
Fgs !

If you click on the forward arrow to pages 30/31... it's on page 31. Sorry, coudln't find a better link.
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That's awful hun.....almost as if the poor creature was not meant to live out a happy life.....
At least he knew SOME happiness and love, eh... even if it wasn't for long? :-(

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