I find this totally daft, but it doesn't seem like it's cruel to the bulls or anything - the opposite of bullfights, in fact - so no, I don't see any reason to wish someone pain. Of course, I'm a southern softy.
Yep - I am on the side of the bull. The poor thing is going to die so it may as well maim as many stupid humans as it can. Bull fighting is just as bad.
I think stabbing bulls is cruel, which they do in bullfights. I don't get so upset about just chasing them. No sympathy for them as gets gored, but I don't wish pain on them. Maybe they should sharpen the horns so they get more of a surgical incision.
Thankfully, when I was last in Valencia, my lady friend there made a point of explaining that bull fighting was becoming out of favour with younger generations. She wouldn't take me to the bullring, although it's hard to miss in the centre by railway station.
I'm glad of this too.
Hopefully, if lots more people get injured in the bull running, they may consider closing it down too.
I always think "good for the bull" when I read these stories.This is just so cruel.Sometimes they put burning wax on the bulls horns just to add to effect.I hate the Spanish for their open uncaring cruelty.BTW I am half spanish.but am sickened by their attitude to animals.B@st@rds
I think "serves you right" too B00 cruelty to animals is well advertised now. It's funny how people can't play conkers etc in case you get hurt, and yet idiots like this run with bulls and get away with it.