This is the spider that is in my bathroom. I havent had the heart to vacuum it yet but also I can not work out wether its a black widow or not? What do you think?
I couldn't get a poto of where the red spot should be. When I took a photo of it it ran off and at the same time my hand touched its web so I dropped my camera. Good job its shock proof!
Buy some Spider Stop spray from Betterware and spray it in all the nooks and cranies you think a spider may be lurking. Looking at your photo, I reckon it has run back under the bath panel.
Just reading this thread and oh my god I'm getting goosebumps ..Sorry to say but I would have gotten the hoover out and given it to my brother to hoover up
Buy some insect repellent (if they have it in Egypt) Spray oodles of it in every room whilst your face is covered by a mask. They go out for as long as possible.
I spoke to a guy earlier - when I was at my work. He said that it is definitely from the same family as a black widow. He says that it is a Theridiidae.