got my guttering seen to today and he told me i have a wasps nest,phoned son and he said he has seen wasps in the loft as well,how do i get rid of them and is it expensive
I called my local council. They asked if I was on benefits or a pensioner. Then they quoted me a price (£48) and sent a man round the next working day, who dealt with it. Happy me ... they were crawling into my bathroom halogens and getting scorched, which didn't smell too good...
If you look at some of the ads on this page one of them's only £38, but I'm happy with the service I got from my council ...
I don't agree at all. They are very agressive and will sting and attack you or your pets at the slightest whim. Believe me I speak from experience. A big nest can hold over a thousand wasps and being in the loft they can live well on into the winter. I was stung in January whilst in my bed once!!!
I have always called a pest controller in the past (look in yellow pages or local directory.They charged me about £30.
The new queens will leave the nest and hibernate in log piles and the like. They will start a new nest elsewhere in the spring.The worker wasps will die over the winter.