I am curious to know why someone was filming that in the first place, did they expect to see this? You don't normally just film a chap walking his dog.
I can't help watching it again, poor little dog, it must be so bruised and sore. Bast)rd.
If you can bear to look under the video there are a chain of posts - mostly in pretty unpleasant language - but all condemning this heartless cruelty. I'm not sure whether one of the posters is the perpetrator - it just could be.
I wish I hadn't have watched that now, its made me soo angry I'm sure I'll dream about it now. The poor dog you could see it was terrified,
Why have a dog if you hate it that much?
I wish I knew who it was I'd definately see he got put away.
I'm not going to watch this - i can hear the horror in all of your posts. Perhaps someone should send this link to the RSPCA to see if they can get it published in a paper or something, Someone is bound to know the scumbag! Hope he is caught and kicked in the nads!
can we keep this thread going, in the hope that this bastard will get caught?the thought of him getting away with is makes me sick,i just went and gave my dog a big cuddle,these bastards should be heavily fined and banned from keeping any animal for life,
it looks to me as if the cameraman knew what was about to happen! Why was he standing there waiting to film the poor dog being half kicked to death (could have been)
I say that it was all planned to happen --rotten scumbags.
catch the cameraman too