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Garden birds

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Scylax | 13:49 Mon 01st Nov 2010 | Animals & Nature
44 Answers
When are the birds going to come back to my garden ? Heaven knows, I put out enough food for them. I used to have about 40 resident sparrows. Come back, all is forgiven.


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Fortunately gen2 we have 1/2 acre and our neighbours have 1.5 acres and we have fields and woods too. However, the fields are intensively farmed so our gardens are real sancturies for birds - not very neat and tidy gardens, but full of lovely things for wildlife.
gardens would be awfull without the birds. I just love it when I see the sparrows going into the bush in the evenings too, knowing they will be all soon be snuggling up in "their" bush to go to sleep for the night.
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Until they flew away in the summer, 'my' sparrows learned the trick of hanging onto the wire nut-feeder, just like the bluetits. With 3 or 4 on the feeder at the same time, it required replenishing every 2 or 3 days. I don't mind, since the jackdaws had usurped their right to eat from the ground feeder.
Almost any bird is welcome in my garden, phoenixes, rocs, condors, wyverns, you name it. Not many dodos though. But the sparrows are my favourite, bless 'em.
Which country do you reside in Scylax as the Birds you mention do not occur in the UK
Some water butts are suitable for turning the lid upside down, which provides a good birdbath/drinking area brings 'em in from round about.
Redman are you joking?

Wyverns, rocs, Condors and Phoenix!!

I am surprised you don't get them!! We have loads.
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Wales is a foreign country, isn't it ?

We used to get 3 pairs of breeding king penguins, but they are long gone. Maybe they waddled south ( to Cardiff, perhaps?), or maybe they were just afraid of the killer whales in the birdbath?
It's no wonder you don't get Birds in your Garden Scylax. the Condor has eaten them all and the King penguins are Nuns in disguise !! :-))
Just caught you Redman.

Just wanted to say that I was delighted to have a fly catcher in the garden this morning. I haver never had one before (well never seen one in my garden before) Was mesmorised as he/she made his/her way up the hawthorn tree.
But we are overrun with King Penguins - I have to put out loads of ice and fish everyday!!
Hello Lottie how are you !
Rowan and myself are very keen Birdwatchers and love to see the Wildlife and each time we meet up we go off for the day armed with Binoculars, Flasks and Sandwiches.
You have a lovely Garden Lottie and the Birds must appreciate that fact.
Nice to see the Flycatcher. We are on the lookout for the Waxwings at present as they are flying in from Scandinavia in large numbers.
Take care of those Penguins ( Nuns )Lottie !! :-)))
I'm OK Redman, slowly getting better from a humdinger of a bug, but think the worse is over. Yes, we get loads of birds - have planned the garden especially for wildlife and fortunately our neighbour opposite has a 1.5 acre garden and does the same. We are a little oasis in the middle of intensive agriculture (although we do have a wood up the hill behind us). Shooting season a the moment - I don't like it!!

Love to you and Rowan. Keep enjoying those nature watch sessions. Mr LL and I have binoculars ready front and back of house and love watching the birds as well. Have had quite a few buzzards flying over the field behind us over recent weeks - its a massive field and they are harvesting the sugar beet I expect the homeless rodents are good pickings for the buzzards.

I wish I wasn't scared of birds, this all seems so interesting x
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LL, no need to buy expensive fish for your penguins. Morrison's do a good line in instant penguin food. The rocs will eat it too, if you add 2 teaspoonsful of Portland cement.
Funnily enough Scylax I am going to Morrisons later, so will collect some penguin food and call in to Jewsons on the way back for the cement!!

Hi Bobbi! x
hello LL, I have a terrible irrational fear of birds of any kind, I wish I didn't, I will put stuff out for them I even have one of thse little feeders on our tree but if one came near me I would collapse
I think Scylax has been carried away to a far off distant place by the Roc !
You can't help a phobia Bobbi. Phobias usually are irrational. If it bothers you you could try some cognitive therapy and they would probably stuff you in a room full of starlings flying around to cure you!! ;o)

Actually, I am completely confident at handling birds, but if they come indoors and panic then I panic too - I worry that they will hurt themselves.

You will have to watch your birds from the safety of inside through the window! x
are you all talking about real penguins for the penguin food? I am not a bird person but I can't see there being many of them in the UK.
Wolf ;o)

Read back. Scylax started offf the sillness!!

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