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An escaped llama?

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mary-m | 16:33 Tue 14th Dec 2010 | Animals & Nature
45 Answers
Are there any Llama farms in Watford or has there been any reports on escaped Llamas? Ill tell you why Earlier on a close friend was bitten by a Llama or Alpacha she said she was walking the dog when a long necked wooly big teethed creature came at her from out the bushes and tried to go for her dog she tried to fend the suspected llama off and it spat in her face she then tumbled back and fell over her dog when the attack happened and she was bitten on her forearm trying to protect here face, when she came to my house visibly shaken and bleeding i dressed her wound which was definitely a bite mark and when i showed her pictures of Llamas and Alpachas she nearly had a fit and said it was definitely a llama. she is now sitting with her feet up drinking a mug of tea to help relax her. Do llamas usually attack humans? I find this whole incident strange and still don't know who to phone, the police? The Zoo?
Thanks in advance.


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a lorry with animals, like a mixed bunch of random exotics, a llama a wombat and maybe a panda?
"Have you or your friend been taking what Zippy has, lately? "

LOL @ ^^
I'm sorry, but this is one of the funniest posts i've read in a long time.

This bit "long necked wooly big teethed creature came at her from out the bushes " really cracked me up.

Apologies mary.
it was the wombat loose on the M1 that made me spill me de-caff
I have a coat made out of baby llhama hair........its not bitten me yet.
pmsl @ Pasta, but did it have a long wooly neck? if not, that's maybe why you're still alive to tell us about it.
I suspect a winf up here.
This is this posters first question and smacks of a "wool pull".
It's no laughing matter as every year hundreds are maimed or killed. Wombats and humans.
Sorry wind not winf,and I meant pulling the wool over our eyes!
Really invictis? Guess you're the expert then eh? :-)
Llama wool of course!LOL
Sorry if this is true, but I have had to laugh.
Al Qaeda's latest weapon in Middle England, explosive Al Pacas....AOG et al will be waging war against them if he hears of this....

I laughed myself off the stool............oww
you can laugh, but this is quite near where I live, and my brother lives in Watford!

I'm going to warn him not to go out...

do you think mary will give us an update?
it's not Walford, is it?
Sorry Mary, I didn't realise it was you!
I see marys not back yet please keep us updated and informed mary. That really made me laugh wildwood.
Very funny thread, however male llamas/alpacas are used as guard animals, either for their own flock, also farmers are using them to guard sheep against attack from predators, ie fox in this country or wild dogs elsewhere.
Not sure how the llama mistook a yorkie for a predator though!
i hope this isn't some joke because I just emailed 3 places in the Watford area who might know??

P.s could this have not been a horse or pony??

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