spot on dog in The AnswerBank: Pets
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spot on dog

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crunchiesmum | 19:00 Sat 12th Mar 2011 | Pets
1 Answers
My dog has a small spot on his stomach right next to his penis. Last week it came to a head and some pus came out of it. It then shrank but it has come back again. Got a little more pus out yesterday it's now very small but still there. I panic because he had a mast cell tumour last yer. Sure it's not this again as a tumour would not contain pus would it? And it would be much bigger. Is there anything I can put on it?
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Hi I think even for your own peace of mind you should bring him to the vet, more than likely nothing but least they can give strong antiseptic wipe to help kill germs causing this spot

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