MM & KM Links July 2011 [Week 5] in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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MM & KM Links July 2011 [Week 5]

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gen2 | 19:15 Fri 29th Jul 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
It is week five - the final week in the reign of 'The Ice Queen'. It has been a difficult week pointwise, and maybe that is due to cultural differences between the UK and Canada. The words are the same, but the ones that spring readily to mind are different on each side of the pond. There is a close bunch at the head of the leaderboard and so it could be anyone's chance of a win as long as they can tune in to the Canuck's wavelength.

Can Centrino hold onto the lead? or will beejay, grannydi, lysander or roslyn put on a surge. Maybe a lower scorer will sweep the board and astound everyone.

One to watch is the battle between the Wards who are on equal pegging (4 points). I have it on good authority that Reg is going to be elsewhere leaving the field open to Pauline (unless she feels compelled to chaperone Reg!).
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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The shrubbery is open once again to anyone intrepid enough to venture inside. There was obviously a horde of elephants around last weekend because the nettles and brambles have all been trampled. Unfortunately, the nettles were home to a number of butterfly caterpillars who have now met their demise. I can confidently state that the future has been changed as a consequence ('The Butterfly Effect') so Sunday's winner will no longer be the winner, someone else will be.

As usual, the bonus points will be there for the taking as you emerge confused and sleepy headed from the shrubbery at 9:00 am tomorrow and remember that the thread will be opened by 'The Ice Queen' at about 8.45 in the morning. Read the introduction carefully, and then you'll be prepared to match her 4 linkwords when they are posted at 9.00am. It is then up to yourselves. Remember, early players have most chance of earning bonus points.

The international version of this same game is called KM Links and kicks off at 7am. Look out for seekeerz from Oz who posts the liks and scores the game. In this case, the choice of words and their links are out of our control. They are the grey words chosen by Kate Mepham in her GK Crosswords in the Daily Telegraph on Saturday and Monday! No bonus points so no rush in that game.

See you all in Q&P tomorrow morning.
We are at Christiana's this weekend, so I am going to try and sabotage Reg's entry!

He will be too busy to play anyway! :-)

I have no idea what goes on in the Ice Maiden's mind! :-) Wish I did...
It was evsajo last week gen2 who made all the mess. She was holding a car boot sale in the shrubbery. :-)
Evening all. I had intended to make some lemonade (non-alcoholic, but with a bottle of brandy on the side), but they're giving our local supermarket a makeover and I couldn't find the right aisle. Sorry about that. Will tap-water do instead?
That will do fine tearinghair. :-)

I just hate it when they move everything about.....
I expect there's a purpose to it, but it does make me cross when I can't go up and down the ile in my usual order. How sad is that? This is a major conversion, so I hope it will all be worth it.
Wait until a man decides where it is all to go! They put weird combinations together. :-)
I don't think I can get on here
Oh it has worked via Facebook. Have been having trouble since I let Pauline use my computer last week !!!
Kay...you always get yourself into trouble!
It's a lot quieter in here tonight...maybe it's because Kay isn't leading me astray. :-)
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That's probably because Pauline left it logged on in her name,

Here's what you have to do:
1) Post some rubbish answers.
2) Log out as paulineward
3) Log in a evsajo and post some decent answers
4) Run away and hide.
gen2...that is terrible! Why do I get blamed for everything?
Anyway, that would really confuse Kay! :-)
Well...I shall go to my lovely guest room now, and see you all in the morning.
I must say the service is better than I had last weekend. :-))

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MM & KM Links July 2011 [Week 5]

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