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The Lady of the Lock

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Tilly2 | 10:33 Tue 05th Jun 2012 | Twitching & Birdwatching
7 Answers
Having spent the last three hour clicking on and off the webcam, all I can say is it's pretty boring being an osprey with a chick.
The male has been gone for at least an hour and the chick has been pootling about and falling over.

There have been some lovely shots of her looking straight into the camera. What a beauty. A magnificent creature.
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I know! I've spelt it wrong.
She's got a fish there now and feeding the chicks.

Here is the culprit of my garden pot holes but he has not done it again. Think he listened to his telling off. Just 2 more days and my son will be back .I will miss him but he will be back odd days as usual.
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Flipping heck, I missed it!

How could you get cross with that little darling? Mine has never dug any holes in the garden. Must be a boy thing!

Anyway, is this webcam real time? Can you wind it back?
Yes, it's real time, it's on 24-7
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Thanks boxtops.
It's just that mine keeps starting and stopping and I thought I might be behind the real time and therefore missed the chick being fed. Does it eat really quickly? I've been looking every five minutes or so.
you can watch for hours and never see any thing, then just click on and see something amazing. Two years ago when everybody thought "The Lady" was dying Trish switched on and called me in just as the old girl struggled to her feet for the first time in days and we knew she had a good chance of pulling through. Later we watched entranced as one of her chicks jumped up and down flapping his wings on the edge of the nest then launched himself into space for his maiden flight. A couple of golden moments that made up for all the hours when nothing happened.

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The Lady of the Lock

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