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Tilly2 | 08:02 Fri 17th May 2013 | Twitching & Birdwatching
33 Answers
At the moment, on my laptop, I have the following webcam tabs.
Dyfi ospreys
Loch of the Lowes ospreys
Nottingham Trent peregrines
Sheffield St. Georges peregrines.

I've been up since 5.30 am and keep switching from one to the other with the occassional foray into AB.

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I think the Notts peregrine needs to do some housework, the platform's a right mess:-)
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They've just eaten a great big pigeon,carrust. Now the chicks are asleep.(Or they were last time I looked, about ten minutes ago.) The Sheffield nest is just as bad.
Yes, Yilly. Hover do not ask gness lol !.
However ^^^^^
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Gness has said I'll be alright, Yont. (But I have had such a lazy day today!)
Ah , if gness says it's ok, then who am I to argue lol. she as weapons you know.
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She doesn't need to use weapons on me. I am a peace loving birdwatcher.
(but I'm not as much of a birdwatcher as carrust!)
It's ok Yilly I know that your a peace loving ex hippy chick twitter, It's me that needs to worry.
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'peace loving ex hippy chick twitter' Do you mean twitcher? No twitter is better! I like that.

That's better than being called bird brained (Excel)

Yont, if you behave yourself,you will have nothing to worry about.
Yont, if you behave yourself,you will have nothing to worry about.

I do try Yilly, honestly.
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I know, Yon. You arequote[always] trying.
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Well Yilly, it has been mentioned once or twice, very trying !.

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