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maggiebee | 13:17 Tue 02nd Jul 2013 | Twitching & Birdwatching
6 Answers
After a dearth of starlings over the past couple of years I have 12 on the lawn just now. Great to see them back.


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I don't usually get starlings feeding, but this year I've had a starling coming and taking food away to feed her young. I was glad I was able to help.
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OMG there must be at least 30 of them now. No idea where they're coming from or what they're feeding on, but it's a hive of industry lol.
I've had 2 young starlings feeding quite happily on the bird table along side my swarm of sparrows. They were joined by another one for a few days, it was bad tempered and just out for trouble so i was pleased to see the back of it. I have seen a small (20) flock flying about the last few days but there are never enough round here to get to see one of their spectacular displays.
I have trillions ..want some ?
Starlings 0, sparrows 0 in my back garden:-(
On my roof at the moment I have 2 woodpigeons and about 30 starlings.

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