Crosswords1 min ago
16 Answers
We live in desert area in Abu Dhabi. I feed wild birds every day. This morning a yellow parakeet with a pinkish/ beigey hue to its face has appeared with the others. There seems to be pale blue feathers on its back that I can only see when it's wings are folded. Does anyone know what it is ? Cannot post photograph but any ideas welcome.
Could it be a yellow, peach faced lovebird like this one? dia.tumblr.c om/6b13fed3f 0807dc9d3526 5fd1e462432/ tumblr_mi853 abNmg1rw5970 o7_1280.jpg
13:04 Fri 22nd Aug 2014
Could it be a yellow, peach faced lovebird like this one?
http:// 37.medi a.tumbl b13fed3 f0807dc 9d35265 fd1e462 432/tum blr_mi8 53abNmg 1rw5970 o7_1280 .jpg
Sorry hc,am not in the least techno minded. Cannot send photos. Google Al Reef villas in Desert village which is where we live and it might give you a rough idea. Our lawn is plastic as it would cost a mint to lay soil and turf. Thanks for your interest though. The little fellah has been here again all day and seems to get on with the wild birds.