recently got my oh two secondhand bird books but find that neither of them has the robin in the index, why is this please?
I would also like to mention that i heard and saw a thrush in the garden this week, the first for several years.
As far as I know the European robin is our robin ie the same thing. There is an American robin but that's actually a completely different bird, more like our blackbird.
I wonder why biccylova hasn't come back as my and OG's queries were posted quite quickly after the OP.
sorry to be so long,the books I have are the 'Hamlyn colour guide to songbirds' and the ' guide to familiar garden and field birds' by Jiri Felix. both have british and European birds.
Well I'm not a birdwatcher so don't claim to know a great deal about them, but the one's I've come across are either silent, eyeing me quizzically, or fighting with a rival !
Googling suggests the Jiri Felix book was actually written in Czech and translate.Maybe the robin isn't or wasn't so common in that part of eastern Europe, especially as the red-breasted flycatcher included is not found in Britain.