All our birds just disappear! No distraction techniques, just off!
It was strangely quiet when the disembodiment was taking place. I had to go out and clear it up afterwards otherwise Tilly would have had a field day with the feathers and the little bloody bones.
We didn't have to deal with bones - no idea what happened to them. I blamed our cats at first but then a friend pointed out that the circle of feathers was a sure sign of a sparrowhawk.
well i just spent 20 5 mins hand feeding a vixen with some bones, cocktail sausages, sausage rolls and an egg and i gave her bowl of water.
Im still waiting for her to bring her kits up for a visit.
At our last house we had a fox come through our garden every night on her 'routine' until our bruiser of a tom cat took a dislike to her and saw her off in one hell of a fight.
I wish the sparrowhawk would come and devour some of the wretched collared doves that wake me very early every morning with their insistent coo COO coo, coo COO coo - it's torture!