Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
I m thinking of buying a goldfish as a pet, do they live a long time
A.� Goldfish (Carassius auratus) are the most popular aquarium fish. They have an average lifespan of between 5 and 10 years, but the oldest known goldfish made it to 41 years old so be prepared for a long staying guest.
Also, although the average goldfish is pretty small, they can grow up to a foot in length. So, although goldfish are generally very easy to look after, you need to think carefully before taking one on as a pet.
Q.� How long have people been keeping goldfish as pets
A.� Goldfish, originally from a species of fish called the Crucian carp, have been kept as pets since at least 800AD when art and literature sources indicate they were kept in Chinese homes.
They didn't start appearing in the west until 1650 when Europeans started trading with the East. Europeans originally kept them in garden ponds and the fish weren't kept in houses until the late 1800's.
Q.� Where do goldfish live naturally
A.� Wild goldfish can be found in pools and lakes from Eastern Europe across as far as China living on crustaceans, insect larvae, molluscs and vegetation.
Q.� Do I need to heat my pet goldfish's tank
A.� As noted before, goldfish are quite easy to look after. They're coldwater fish and don't need heated water, unlike most aquarium fish. Aim to keep them in water with a temperature of between 8 and 18 degrees Celsius.
Q.� Should I put the goldfish in a small round bowl
A.� No. Small round bowls are very much out of favour, goldfish kept in them tended not to live very long, usually no more than a couple of years, possibly because the ratio of surface area to water volume meant that the goldfish didn't get enough oxygen. Goldfish need to be kept in relatively large tanks, with a filter to keep the water clean.
Interested in getting a pet and want some information Ask The AnswerBank.
by Lisa Cardy