Bradley Walsh: Egypt’s Cosmic...
Film, Media & TV2 mins ago
A. Skunks use chemicals called thiols to create a potent smell that repels attack from potential predators. To say it smells bad is an understatement. However, skunks get a bad press: They're not stinky all the time, only when they're under threat.< xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Q. So they give warning
A. Oh yes. If you ever see a skunk stamping its feet, it's warning you: Stay away, or I spray! If it hisses and then raises its tail... then it's too late.
Q. A charmless creature, then
A. No. To the contrary, it's quite cute - no bigger than a domestic cat and comes from a group of creatures called mustelids, which means mouse-catcher. The North American version is called mephitis mephitis and has a black and white coat with a bushy tail. Other mustelids - which can create a sticky smelly musk - include ferrets, weasels, minks, martens, wolverines, otters, and badgers. Some people think skunks are so cute that they keep them as pets.
Q. A dangerous hobby, surely
A. No. These animals have had their scent glands removed. They are said to make wonderfully affectionate pets - whatever your feelings may be about trying to domesticate a wild animal.
Q. So these have been caught from the wild
A. No - they are more likely to be rejects from a fur farm. They are reared for their fur, like mink, but are sometimes rejected if the patterns are too irregular.
Q. What do they eat
A. Experts advise that tame ones should be fed vegetables, boiled chicken and small amounts of dog food. Chocolate and cat food are skunk no-nos. In the wild, they eat small mammals, insects, foliage - and rummage around in dustbins.
Q. And they're playful
A. Oh yes. Skunk-owners are recommended to fit childproof locks on cupboard to keep them out. Potted plants also don't mix with skunk: the little stripy fellah will dig all the compost out of the pots just to see what's at the bottom. Handbags and school bags should also be kept out of the way before they scatter the contents all over the floor.
Q. What should I do if a skunk sprays me
A. Skunk musk is not to be confused with the animals' urine. Two sophisticated glands on either side of the skunk's backside produce the musk. They can spray as far as 15ft and the musk can cause vomiting and hurt the eyes. Skunk musk is the stench of decay, an aroma that other animals shy away from.
Wild skunks will often spray household pets. If that's the case, owners find that bathing them in tomato juice will help. Coffee grounds also help absorb the smell. Other remedies include vanilla extract, vinegar, orange juice, laundry soap and mouthwash. The best, however, is said to be two pints of 3% hydrogen peroxide, a quarter of a cup of baking soda and one teaspoon of liquid soap. Let's hope you don't need to test its effectiveness.
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By Steve Cunningham