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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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An 'ignore this poster' button. It works on a lot of other sites. Once clicked, any posts by that individual do not appear on your screen, making their abuse fruitless. Even some people with 50 names...
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Do you think it would be a good idea for members to post tips of any kind under this section. I think I would read it every day just to see if there was anything useful
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shylock73 in an answe to 3ightball on 27/2/08 said "in the `Google bar there is an `abc check` tab which you can check your spelling with. " I cant see this in my Google bar, and since i cant type any...
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Is anyone else having difficulty posting a new thread in chatterbank ? I have tried several times but given in , I don't want to be put in the dungeon for presing the submit button too many times ....
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What would you like to see in your ideal Answerbank? What topics to add or remove. Staff or no staff? AB Ed blog, or something useful? A proper chat box like MSN, or not? I repeat this question here,...
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I am confused. You say Mother's day is this coming Sunday, but here in the US its May 11. Who is right, or do you celebrate earlier in the UK? [email protected]
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i asked for the name of a lullaby - this q was banned. Why?
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I was wondering how to remove one of my question?
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If there is anyone out there from AB towers, would it be possible to have the option of seeing 'Threads we have Contributed to' in recently answered order?
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captains log
Can some of you please explain why it has been banned. There is just to much of this going on here IE banning for no reason just because some user on here does not like the truth and has multiple...
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i am also a member of another forum,which has a section were you can have a good "RANT" about anything that get's you niggled , peeved whatever,
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Well , I just clicked on that link at the bottom of the sections called AB Editor's Blog . The dust and cobwebs in there , it took me all of an hour to clean it up enough to notice that there is still...
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Is it techically possible to display the questions and answers in groups according to the crossword to save having to look through all of the answers. thank you.
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Hi Ab ed, quite often now when I go to "Questions I've answered" I get timed out, this is particularly annoing and I really don't need all the thousands of answers I've given to be retrieved which...
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If you want to keep yourself out of the Courts I make this suggestion. Wake up and smell the roses.
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I can't get a thread posted onto chatterbank and yet the other sections seem to be appearing in the recent posts box. Is chatterbank down ?
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How many questions does an individual have to have removed before you realise they don't really belong on Answerbank? Well?
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Why is there a Topic called "AB Editor's Blog" still? Is there any chance that whoever is managing this site can post something to let us know what the hell is going on?
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Can someone please tell me how to copy and paste on threads in AB? Thank you.
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I know math is more or less a science, but it's esoteric and crazy subtleties would easily merit it's own category, why is math so shunned? or is there some reason due to constant homework help...

2001 to 2020 of 5786

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