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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Dear ED. could you put some Paintings up on the blank page while we are waiting for it to change.I quite like the Cafe Terrace On The Place Du Forum.(:O)
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AB Editor
The site went down this morning due to our hosting providers DNS servers failing. We have been assured this won't happen again. Sorry, AB Editor
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Why do we now have to have sports threads in the Recent Posts bit? The sports category has its own section anyway. Why not keep them on there. Its bad enough RP has been downsized and you can't see...
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The Recent Posts Box now has room for just one entry. There'll be complaints...
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Ed, There are some very computer/Internet literate folks on here. I suggest you consult with them for tips on running this website efficiently. If this site continues to run at the speed it is...
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Can anyone get onto the beta site yet, I certainly can't, so is it me or them??
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What is the point of your having a Blog if you don't use it to keep your loyal 'customers' aware of what is going on here, and what your problems are, and how long we can expect this shambles to...
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whilst scrolling downwards on the site as the moving avatars flash and spin, please, by Friday if you could, TYIA Dotty
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about the crying boy painting ? i have looked on most sections please help !
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i am not on the Beta site tonight as I knew if i stayed on there i would get an auto ban for over submitting, but on the main site there are still many problems appearing. It is as slow as the other...
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Lucy Thomas
This site has been turned into a pile of crap. When I first came here it was running normally. Since the Beta version has gone online even the old version runs tediously slowly. Every time I try to...
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I've had an answer banned, but for the life of me can't find it. Would it be possible to have a link to answers removed, a notification, or at least some way to identify the question involved? I don't...
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...Can others get on the beta version of AB and I can't? It's driving me mad that it comes up 'Under Construction' every time I try it, but others seem to be on it. I've tried it signed in, signed...
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I have just noticed the grey bar at the top of the page again has 'FAVOURITES' spelled FAVUORITES'. Why has it been put back to the wrong spelling after it was corrected earlier this week.?
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Its no "BETA" than a piece of ****. I can't get on it as most of us can't. No excuses somebody please explain to me why answerbank have got a beta site thats actually no beta than...
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Is it just me or it missing competely? I've had a look at a fair few recent questions and the option is on none of them.
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I cannot even get in on beta now, it's so low slow as to be non-existant - can anyone else get in:
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Where is todays offering Ed? Not still working on your avitar are you?
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Give us back, redcrx, Rev, skreechboy, pippa and any others you have taken unlawfully or Ill get speechless on you aka the baldies and believe me you dont wanna mess with them
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...may I be issued the golden key that unlocks the delights that are AB beta? Oh pleeeease! [Actually, what am I saying? I am always a good Aprilis ;-D ]

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