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Site Suggestions

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China Doll
Dear Ed, Please could we have a Shoe Topic? We could put it in sport so we could PM each other about shoe related websites and discuss shoe related topics. Then we could sport in the weather topic as...
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Lady Muck
I suggest AB needs some toilet facilities. I'm desperate to go and there's no where available. There will be a random, useless suggestion for everyday that China Doll is held captive. You have been...
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So do we get e-mails anymore when our questions are answered or has it all changed?
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i'm begging yet again to find out what is going on with my account. i've been suspended for four days now and no-one has bothered to inform me as to why or to respond to my e-mails
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please can somebody tell me why i keep getting answers removed? always seem to have this problem and its really annoying as i have tucked the kids into bed had row with my partner who has left the...
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life turns on a sixpence, do you agree?
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Mr k
Ed i wasn't here when we could write in colours can we have it back for Christmas Please to brighten the place up..
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Are the questions being 'carefully worded' to get the desired answers? The current options .... 1. Faith is very important in some people's lives; a person's beliefs should always be respected and...
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What's wi all the silly wee polls all of a sudden (who makes the best pieces, is waterboarding a form of torture in your opinion etc.) and why are we being asked about American related subjects?
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a dating section where like minded individuals can chat and arrange dates if they feel they want to?
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hau kola
but what about some poppies for our boys and girls?
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The 'compose' button seems to have disappeared under the 'Football' tab. Anyone else having this problem? Or am I missing something?
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Since Elvis68 has decided to dedicate a thread to me I feel I am justified in a right of reply. There are rules to this site, whether folk like them or no and one of them is "Discussions can get...
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I don't know how many words we can type in a PM in Sportsbank, but we don't seem to be able to write much at all. Is there any possibility of giving us more space?
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I may be slow and lacking in observational skills of late, but when did this topic appear? And more importantly why are Pacman and Horace Goes Skiing not included as sub-topics?
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Questions on crosswords can appear under either the main section Quizzes and Puzzles or the sub-section Crosswords. Most people appear to use the main section, but some use the sub-section and members...
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How come people like Elvis68 are not banned? His posts to the Ed are overly profane yet he's allowed to get away with it. TCL is a nice bloke yet all he gets from Elvis is filthy abuse. The ED removed...
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May I suggest that AB Asks considers very carefully the wording used for the question title. It is truncated when shown in the 'Recent Posts' Pod and can lead to rather rude expressions appearing on...
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Dear Ed, why do you persist in leaving Sport in its present form, totally isolated from the main site? Why set up a message service, that would be more suitable for Body & Soul or Chatterbank? Why...
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Ok , can anyone enlighten me ? Have you got the red bar above the recent posts flashing every time it updates ? This has only begun to occur on my comp today , so is it just my comp or not ? :-) xxx

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