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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Why do a number of people on here insist on having a dig at either AB Ed, AB Asks, the blog, the people on the site...the list goes on blah blah blah!! get over it peeps!!!
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What the hells going on with answers being in Bold and underlined
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I see i come from otherland. I feel left out, why can't we have a box to type in the country if we click other?
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I posted a question about the Ed Blog not being updated and my question has been banned , there was nothing profane in it and the answers were ok , so why a ban on it ?
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Is it time to commit someone? I think it's time! It would confuse me having so many usernames! how do these people do it????
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Why is it when you are new you can be green (I realise green can mean new and naive) but when established you become a rather dull grey. Would it not be more attractive if usernames were in colour? I...
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I need some time to just go away and clear my head. The answers i give are anything but helpfull, and the questions i post wind everybody up. I'm going to be away for a while, on a vaccation. I might...
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I am being continually picked on by 4getmenot and her gang. I would like to have them all banned. Forever. How do we go about this ?
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I'm being bullied by 4get, i am going to jump off a bridge and hope i don't land in that "4GETMENOT" field that is right underneith me. Goodbye everyone, will you miss me?
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I posted a question and the recent post box said as soon as i had posted it that it was 1min old! What are you going to do?
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Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear puddicat Happy birthday to you. Have a good one! Hope you have a great day!
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Whats with all this underlines and italics?? Why is this being allowed to happen? Its looks kr4p! Oh, great win for Newcastle today!! ;-)
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The Builder
This site must be getting ever more popular - screen refresh and updates are VERY slow - what about posting a search for the best new server available :-) (Probably Dell again)
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hau kola
How recent does a post have to be?I was looking back at some oldies and i posted in a thread from 2006.I didnt come up on recent posts so whens the cut off point?
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Dr Red
Allow html tags to be put in the question bar.
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Just I need a few answers to a few questions and I don't want to clog up ths board or wait ages for a reply? Thanks a lot.
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In the AB Editor's Blog dated 23rd January it says, "Apologies in advance to all the AB users who do not abuse the AnswerBank or its members and take the time to abide by the site rules? However it...
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ABE, in yir blog of 23rd January you ended it wi, "As I mentioned initially there are only a small number of people who continually ignore the rules and cause upset to other members so please from now...
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Dr Red
Well, wikipedia have an adult sub site so why not answerbank? It would remove the insults and make the original answerbank a more friendly place.

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