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Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Its good on here annit you can say almost anything you want to cant you. and know that somebody else on b an s will always answer your quistion no matter how daft that the queistion is and most of you...
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not a suggestion but didnt know where else to ask? i sthis fri**in woman popping on and off everyones screen? underneathuknetguide on left hand side, or is she just doing it to annoy me cos i hate her...
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Does anyone out there think that all ABer's should meet up onece a year at a central place (people in uk anyway) so we knew who we were talking to every day?
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why can't i access my "threads i'm involved in & my questions " sections in my profile! it keeps coming up with an error message, is it something to do with the new formatting? it's only gone like...
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Dear Ed, it seems users including me are finding their Profile tabs - Q's I answered, Threads I'm involved in etc - don't work anymore. Have you siphoned off all the electricity to run the new answer...
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Swanky new formatting! notice Ed&Co has changed it so that we see the time and date of last answer? See? They do listen occasionally. So bearing in mind that they do listen......where's the cake...
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AB Editor
We have a slightly modified rule for you all! I think you'll like it, take a look at this weeks blog to find out more...
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Hi AB Ed, Some moron banned 2 answers I had put on this thread uestion407520.html and all I said was that the girl's probably been turned into a haggis...
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or is it my pc?
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Can you PLEASE clarify how many times we are allowed to post and within what length of time? I thought it was no more than three times in a five-minute spell but looking at ma profile I didn't do that...
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How come my nonsense thread from last night.. that was completely harmless and went up to 200 posts coz we were just in there having a laugh, got removed.. BUT.. when an argument happens in a thread...
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I think I have an answer (in ma case anyway.) I've just posted in another thread and I clicked on "submit" but nothing happened so I clicked a couple more times and then it did. Now, I "think" ma...
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haggis i think your thread about ken dodd was removed mate no clue why ? but just wanted to say thank u again and i have already booked it , so thanks for thinking of me ! i cant wait to go
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Just had another look at the sports pages still hardly any questions even fewer answers ,please can we revert to the original sports page ?
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on Ken Dodd? I got emails to say I had answers but when I logged on there was no post???
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I amsure that there are many people who would like to ask questions relating to Digital Camera's and perhaps also about Topographical items..How about it ?
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This is THECORBYLOON If I report a thread or a post, I'll be honest enough to tell the person. Will any of yous do the same and tell me?
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With reference to ma MUMPING question, do you not think we are right to mump? Is it beyond the capabiilty to post an on-screen message saying we're suspended for whateveer reason but it will be...
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Does anyone here ever go into the Gigs and Festival section? I've just found the Ed in there on about V fest!
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I have been suspended as TCL but I don't know why. There is a message that appears when you haven't confirmed yir registration mail so cannot post any anwers. I suggest that if the system has the...

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