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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Where should I post a silly question I have about usernames here in AB? I'm a bit puzzled about that and at the same time curious.... :o)
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Why am I grey?? How long before I turn green. Green is a nicer colour. What ABer would you most want to spend a night with? How do I lose 3 stone in a week? I am off to the Lodge for a long game of...
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Dear Ed Last week my account with AB was suspended with no prior explanation. I have today received your e-mail as below: "Thanks for the email and sorry for the delay in getting back to you, your...
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Just looking at the current questions on the home page and there is 1 entitled "Liverpool Club" which was asked in January. It is now April, hardly current is it?
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Posted a Qu in B+S at about 13.55, moved to Jobs category at 14.10. Yet I can see at least 3 posts on this page that I would say are in the wrong section. Is it users reporting questions that result...
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May I humbly suggest that if the Ed would like us to post questions in the many categories here and that if in the Report This Post there is a reason as incorrect category/chat then if a question is...
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Is today going REALLY bloody slowly?!??!
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been working away for 3 weeks , have I missed anything interesting.
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When someone has answered one of my Q on AB, i get an email but, why does it say: noreplytheanswerbank?? Probably dead obvious but i'm thick (no contributions from you Norman) thanks xx
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Where can I find the topic creation versus evolution, that was a hot topic here only a few days ago????
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Dear ABED ,can you please let me know why I have disappeared ? I certainly don't remember posting anything offensive etc The only thing I can recall is wishing BOO a Happy Birthday on Suggestions but...
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Paid for views..i answered this ,but everytime i go to my profile to view Threads,Q's i've answered etc ,i have to scroll down through it all even though i have hit submit ,is this the same with...
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How long does one have to be registered before the name in green becomes old and grey?
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hi everyone not really been on for a while but i missed u all and had to come back how is everyone this miserable day hope your all well x
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It's Easter next week. Why does the "Seasonal" topic STILL only have Christmas and Valentine's Day as sub-sections?
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Every time I answer a post I tick the subscribe thing but don't get anything back in my emails, I always used to, why is this?
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Nobody seems around to offer any advice at the mo so anybody who fancies taking a peek at my question I would be grateful : )
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To the right of the screen. I think the author suffers ADHD - it's ROOTS, not ROUTES.
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How do i find out which of my posts have been removed and why?
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I doubt that any Eds actually read this board, but would it be possible to set up email alerts so that when you click on the link, the site opens in a new window, instead of the one you are in?

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