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Site Suggestions

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I've just joined and I see replies to people on a thread that addresses them by a different name than any poster on that thread has made.Very hard to follow who is in agreement with who when they are...
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Under Q & P could we have a new sub section for the availability of new quizzes. Although we tend to post under the same heading these are very quickly lost on a busy day. I use the search the site...
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Nick Heywood(Haircut 100) Timmy Mallet Mr Motivator (GMTV) Fears for Tears(bad 80'S group) ......xxxxx
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Hi Eddie girl... just a thought.. why isnt the AB restricting users to one member per ISP address ?? the way the membership registration works at the moment, i could register a 1000 names if i...
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Im In Vietnam, I thought I would just drop in and say Hi, how are you all?? XXXX
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I know this has been suggested lots of times before but i have noticed that loads of questions are being moved into suggestions everyday from all over the answerbank but mainly from B & S. These...
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right here we go. ive been here ,ive been there . and to be honest,i dont find a lot of difference. cb started off just like ab did im sure, but after a settling in period and when the dust settled ,i...
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Would just like to appoligise to Norman the Dog for getting at him yesterday! I have read the rules on the AB and realsied i shouldnt have done it! So im Sorry!!!
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Thanks to most of you who posted on my question yesterday - sorry I didn't respond then I was working until really late (I only tend to pop on around lunchtime now ). Nice to know you're still about...
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do you think if you had to pass an iq test to post on answerbonk that your questions would ever see the light of day?
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will you add a random button blending all the questions together i think its more fun like that.
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I haven't been on much recently and I know a few have gone but I was wondering what happened with RaySparx. He always was such a lovely poster /flirt, did something happen to drive him away? Is anyone...
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MrsT 82052.html
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Hello, I have just been reading some of the questions (as you do) and i have noticed that Norman the dog appears on a few of them and some of the comments he puts back are quite nasty. Some of these...
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Where's that question gone - think legend wrote it - about the youth of today - but it wasnt titled that exactly (no its not the question in society and culture). I wrote a blooody long answer along...
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Why is the question about bringing up kids in Christianity still at the top? Is it an AB question?
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Hope you are feeling more positive today and not so upset.
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This is for AB Editor Why can't we have a programme set up so us AB ers can Ban members or remove comments on our own post. You will still have full control it just give us a bit of control on who...
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why is this question from shivvy remaining at the top?
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can i suggest that when supposedly intelligent adults sit up to all hours of the morning arguing about 2 websites among millions that populate the world wide web and we have males pretending to be...

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