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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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I think people are going to start impersonating the Editor of the site if background colours are allowed, as I have seen in some posts on here recently.
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Why do we seem to have US English spellcheck on this site? It is annoying having to check you're own spelling when the dotted line appears under your (correctly) spelled word.
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All my postings on AB have been blocked because I kept asking a question without knowing why it wouldn't be posted. When will my postings be unblocked please?
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a book section
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Why do people use the sports section for football questions when there is quite clearley a football section. Can we have a dedicated football subject instead of putting it in sports?
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Answerbank doesn't seem able to take quotation marks in a question or answer. Why? And will it be fixed? A lot of people use them, and it renders a persons question or reply almost unreadable. "
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One of my answers yesterday had thee asterisks next to it. Can someone explain how this works? Thanks.
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There seems to be a lot of repeat questions asked on this site, more so in the Adverts category. Moving the "Search This Site Box" to below the Sign In / Sign Out area would make it more accessible to...
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Objections to lewdness in AB Suggestions are being 'deleted: Body & Soul ? Postings from 4 December: uestion330938.html AB Member what AB member would...
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Dear Ed, May I suggest you remove the Sexual Fantasy Dream's on B+S? Both mine and prospector's suggestion's that were suppported by fellow AB'r were removed so why not the sex chat? They blatently...
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prospector asked a question , over the weekend , where did it go ?
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How do I hyperklink when posting a reply ? Some website addresses take up so much space when you could just put "Click Here" for the information ? I've seen it done on AB and can't seem to crack it !
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squidgy plum
where has this section gone?? i wanted to ask a question bout tenacious d but its not there anymore? is it coming back? i know this question must have been asked already but i cant it? xxx
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Why are some threads removed / transferred to B&S, but other tthreads are allowed to stay on AB Suggestions? How is anyone meant to know where to post such threads?
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You have a search facility for the whole site. It would be helpful perhaps to be able to search an individual topic. I have read your search comments and I do not seem to be alone in finding the...
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Have a Great Day!!! xxx ~catch you later~
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I asked a question in food & drink about a cake recipe and it has come up on my profile as 'this question is banned' - how freaky. It was actually put on the site. Why would it be banned??
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How do I change the name that appears when I submit an Answer or Question on this site Thanks
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I suggest dear that you look in B&S for your greetings, as Ed has seen fit to move it. xxx
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How are people finding them? I hadn't used one until just now in Media and I thought my Q would still be at the top of Media even though I put it in a Sub.... but No... its sitting in TV looking...

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