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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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What with the obtuse names people give themselves would it not be possible to include the gender with each posting. One person was given some personal advice on a discrete matter only to find that he...
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Could you please get rid of the spinning white dolphins on the black background(Orange advert) as they are making my eyes go funny when I look at the screen. Thanks.
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Can you do a 'Now for the good news' category. All we read , see on tv or hear on the radio is bad news - wars, famine, crime etc. If it were all removed, I imagine the content would be maybe 2%....
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Hi, obviously we can not swear on here....that would just be rude, but how comes I had post edited for using an abbreiviation [sp] that I have before now seen used alot. Also the whole post before...
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I love the new formatting of the website which allows easyer copying and pasting of the info without selecting all the adversts and things too. Nice Job Ed. Matty
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nothing. im not patrenising but i enjoy ab every day and am very happy with my fav. web site. bit early but all the best for the hols to ed .and team and carry on banking. as we say in yorkshire...
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how do i find the answer to a question i asked and got an email saying ab found an answer
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how do i find the answers to my questions that i asked
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hey i've only just registerd and i LOVE this site! i'm only 18 and trust me i do have a life but this has just answerd loads of little questions like advert songs its great! i've asked a couple of...
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aka pixi
Is it possible to make it so you can give out star ratings to more than one person in one go instead of having to do it one by one?
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how come this happens all the time? thanks jeanette
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Can we have a chat topic please? : ))
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We need an agony aunt topic PRONTO
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Could you include "Other" as a topic choice, when other topic categories don't fit the question well?
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I have a horrible feeling that AB is about to be overwhelmed with people posting links to Lost, in order to get points. Perhaps the automatic censor could be tweaked to remove links to the Lost site?
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When a comment was posted, that used to then 'bump' it to the top of the list. Alright, I know bumping is sometimes a pain if people abuse it, but surely the most recently answered question should be...
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When submitting questions asking for people's opinion I reckon we should be able to set up some kind of poll within the question so you can see the votes in numeric terms...just seems to make sense to...
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Ed can we have an indication if the present sub - sections are here to stay,or is there a change to be made ? I am using AB less and less now so I would like to know for moving on purposes. Thanks...
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i suggest a motoring section
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I know I am doing here what I am complaining about, but why don't people who have complaints about other members or the Editor herself just use the contact option and keep it private. Surely...

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