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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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There is only one There is another greenie aint me. I will slay this imposter. Kick.....go to Sport and report his Q as an imposter please.
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dotty goes into serious mode can we have the Genealogy sub-category now please Mrs ed? i find that i don't spend enough time on AB and if u had a Family History category i may be on here more often :...
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Would it be possible to have a topic devoted to Nautical matters?Such matters as Yachting, Boating etc Thank You
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I've just noticed an answer that I posted earlier has been banned. It was to do with using credit cards in Spain. My answer mentioned the two best cards that definitely is the best to use in Europe....
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Hi, Would it be possible to add the facitilty to send other people priverate messages?The message woul go to there e-mail adress, but no one would know there e-mail address unless they decide to give...
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AB Editor
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The Law one won the poll thingy and now we've got it as a new category :-( Pants, pants, pants and ruddy pants :-( Ooooo no wait, we've got a Games one too, are we getting the others as well Ed????
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Another week-end of clutter on the site .... repeated questions and answers re-cycled ...... Some previous comment by ABers - Question267581.html Already...
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As a matter of interest has anybody EVER had a suggestion to improve the AB actually taken up and put into the system. I have seen many suggestions made over the months but nothing much seems to...
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Why cant i change my email address, and why dont you respond to emails about changing email adresses!! Changing in profiles do not work. I do not get notification of any questions i post or anything...
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Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record. /Toolkit/ThreadControl.asp, line 92
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Hi Ed, Hope you had a nice weekend. I am sure this is just some sort of strange oversight by your editing staff, but this thread has returned and is no longer reportable....
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should we all club together to pay for one? I have ?3.62 in change.
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If we send one to you, can we get a notification to show that either it's been been read or gone in the bin ? At the moment we don't know either way. Thanks.
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You may not even see this but happy birthday anyway, wont reveal your age :))) Love you x x x xx x x x x x x x x
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Have a great day out on the razzle round Preston and leave it as you find it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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my answer to the question above was banned and i don't know if anybody could read it. I would quote what i said but this question might get banned to. It wasn't offensive i was just asking if a child...
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can i just ask where it says you can report someone, like a button? Im not gunna report anyone or anytihng lol its just someone said on a thread well report the question and i wondered where hte...
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I can't post question or answers?
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Hiya Ed, Since when did you stop using capital letters? Next you'll be writing in txt spk! LOL Estie

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