Jokes1 min ago
Site Suggestions
Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.Contact The Editorial Team Here
Sorry all, but I cant help thinking that "Chatterbank" seems to have lost it's way! In the few weeks since it was set-up, it appears to have gone downhill and is in danger of turning in to one...
Are you just one person? or is there a team of little Ed's running around an office?
Could we have a news report on our friend Neti please ed? Has she commited some terrible crime? Are you holding her in the dungeon & how much cake do you want for her safe release? ...
when this appears in the bottom right hand corner in red does this mean
1 its been censored ?
2 its been moved ?
3 its been reported then changed by poster ?
4 something else ?
I just made an AB Suggestion - but on CB where it might not be seen, so I'll repeat it here. Could the pages on CB be made longer, to accommodate, say, 50 threads instead of the current 20? Given the...
Why does it have, "Report this answer" under some answers, but not under others? i don't understand.
Could we please have a Harry Potter section, I haven't got the book yet and want to read it without having it spoilt for me, but everytime I go into A & L there are loads of questions and I don't...
What does the 'Subsribe to this Question' mean?
how about another chatterbank section so that in one section serious chat or debate can be conducted and another for light hearted or whimsical waffle surely this would accomodate everybody and piece...
Do others get this annoying page which comes up whilst you are in the middle of typing an answer or a request? I shall be turining my back on this site if it continues. What can be done?
Blow it. There is a situation, don't quite understand it yet, something to do with the 'state' of the submit button, such that your answer will be submitted every time you press the space bar, so...
Please can someone (anyone) tell me how I go about finding that super posting we had a few months ago where Indiesinger was showing us how to use imageshack as, yes you've guessed it I cannot do...
Available without having to go through 'my profile'?
Why do people have to talk about sex and fantasies on the chatterbank section? Get a life.
Jeesh can we all stop being so stroppy and defensive? Dont know whats going on but everyone seems to be having a go at the ED just now about banned answers etc I'm sure everyone at AB is doing their...
ABE, I would like to make a nice friendly, happy suggestion, and offer some chocolate cake *offers cake*. I respect your decisions to remove posts, and I also understand that sometimes the bots do...
Do you not think it might be a good idea to erect a security fence around the ChatterBank? Earlier today there was an attempted breakout by some of the inmates who managed to get as far as...
Might I respectfully suggest that the AB ed give a reason why a particular question is banned? I've just had what I considered to be a ligitimate query regarding the whereabouts of Andy Hughes...
Why were my last few posts in that Q banned. The last one said I accepted other people have their own opinions but I do not appreciate being had a go at for mine. How does that justify being banned...
AB EDs, please what happened to reportmonkey ? Suddenly every reference to him, his posts, his answers, have all disappeared. Please tell me that this is not down to your actions. I know reportmonkey...