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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Hi, maybe I've missed something but there doesn't seem to be a facility for posters to remove/delete their own posts. Is there a practical reason why this isn't an option? Youtube has it, Facebook and...
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Just a thought - how easy would it be to add a "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" ("good comment"/"bad comment") facility to peoples' posts/questions -similar to the...
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We used to have a PM facility on Sportsbank. Could that possibly be brought back as an addition to the general forum?
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Is there a case for having the latest replies to a posting put on top of the stack and pushed down? Some well known sites do exactly this. In fact this procedure is followed where the newest question...
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This used to be called AB Suggestions before it was renamed Suggestions. Perhaps there should be a note clarifying the purpose of the section which is, I think, to suggest changes to the way AB works,...
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Could we have a weather category please???? : )
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Please can someone tell me how to do an upside down ? mark
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I know i have made this suggestion before, but in the present situation on CB where some members are being paranoid about others, plus accusations about cliques and stiff are rife, is there anyway you...
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I was wondering if you could go to any pharmacy or chemist to get a private prescription from the doctor, or does it have to be handed in at the local pharmacy near to the actual doctors you visit?...
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I left the AB for a couple of years. When I was a regular before, the site was very lively with loads of contributors. Where have they all gone. Andy Hughes and Ethel particularly and there was lots...
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Help! I need a current photo to apply for a new photo driving licence and don't know where there is a photo booth or photographer in or near Huntingdon. Please are there any suggestions? (I would...
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There seem to be a lot of good threads that suddenly get hijacked by people who seem to know each other taking it over for a chat, completely off topic, which rather leaves the questioner up the...
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How about creating a new topic/section for nickj1209 so he can make multiple postings to his heart's content without clogging up Quizzes and Puzzles and relegating everyone else's questions off the...
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Have you noticed how the page formatting is being disrupted by overlong usernames? Because the width of the avatar/name column has not been fixed, the names are not truncated or forced to wordwrap...
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Fellow AnswerBankers, we've had a postcard and I'm afraid it's not good news
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Thanks Ed. I was so looking forward to a shiny new avatar, but it was really nice of you to push the adverts further down the right pane by increasing the 'Latest Posts' pod from 4 to 6 entries. I'm...
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Mr Veritas
I just tried to post an answer in the Self Harm thread but AB wouldn't let me! So I am just posting this here to see if I have been barred?LOL...
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the facility to preview before submitting a question and reply. I can see that some enhancements have been made recently so when can we expect the preview button? Happy Christmas Ab Ed :0]
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Captin Kirk
long live ... wait for it ... Suggestions ... Ta Da!!! was it worth it?...
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This came up on another thread, but I wonder if the ed. can give us an explanation as to why the AB spellchecker is the US version. Try typing 'colour', 'catalogue' or 'honour' amongst many others and...

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