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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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I apologise if this has been asked and answered before but for several days now, I have been answering questions on AB and although they appear on my profile, they don't appear on the screen. Can...
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In response to Spare Ed's blog where he/she says they'd be glad to hear from us on Suggs about any features we think the improved version of the site would need I'll venture a rerun of an old...
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ABusers who repeatedly waste space with unnecessary and prolonged use of the return key in their posts? Maybe it is thought to be brilliant by other ABers and therefore I should seek sensible...
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If the new AB is going to be a success we need a more positive attitude! And what is a 'little while wait?' is this Hobbit speak?
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You seem to have a new style email to send when questions are answered. I don't like it as I can't click on the link as it isn't highlighted. I have to open Google and enter the address at the top
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An Aber has the option to refuse any more answers if they feel a question has been sufficiently answered. But what about someone who is getting abuse from certain users. Surely the best option would...
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An innocent question is asked, and one of ABs regular idiots answers it with filth. stion726701.html Please rid the site of these people
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strumpet Sat 21/03/09 17:22 And leg I agree with you I would rather see this place closed than let people like old fake and hawkes come on here and say and manipulate things to what the want. So...
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Whatever the rights or wrongs of recent times I seem to remember reading that it isn't
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there's a lot of sites going down for lack of control at the moment hope the answerbank see's the light instead of the revenue for once before it's too late
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I also must agree with the complaints below regarding your new e-mail for questions answered. The link is not highlighted and I cannot click on it for immediate connection. If it ain't broke (and it...
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ab-user who said this be banned?
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Knobbys wife and I just hope that dot hawkes will have the backbone to talk to me on here and tell me why she said this about me. dot.hawkes Fri 13/03/09 00:18 Lies and more lies knobby, go shag your...
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Ireceived 5 emails from you advising me of answers received to my Question referring me to click on the link below.Unfortunately couldnt use that facility as it wasn't working?? Also clicked in ERROR...
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i have lost my driving liscence and i dont have my driving liscence number too... how can i able to know my driving liscence number.?
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Please stop emails asking why I have`nt visited AB, I`M ALWAYS ANSWERING QUESTIONS, MAINLY IN THE GARDENING SECTION.
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Sorry ED, I am no longer known as `shazam74`, I had problems some 3-4 months ago and had to change to carlton23. Once again,... SORRY. I shouted.
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Why does this site keep crashing, I've been on it on and off for about 3 hours today and it's crashed 9 times!! I don't have this problem with ANY other site, it really gets on my nerves, does anyone...
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Hi In sending me emails to my yahoo address saying I have answers to my questions there does not appear to be any link to actually getting to them! Am I overlooking something? Can you please enlighten...
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"Threads I'm involved in"!! This consistently doesn't work properly or if it does takes an absolute age to display. Phew, I feel better now!

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